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Macro Lote Atotonilco - Lot

San Miguel Centro, San Miguel Allende, Mexico - MLS: 42834

$5,740,940 USD

5,137,222 sqft

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Top Mexico Real Estate

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About this Property

Welcome to a unique opportunity in the heart of nature! With generous water concessions and a strategic location just a few miles from San Miguel, this land offers endless possibilities for those looking to create something extraordinary.
We present 47.7 hectares that capture the beauty and serenity of the region. This land offers picturesque and relaxing views, with the magnificent Laja River on one side and the tranquil Monastery of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad on the other side.
Strategic location: Located only 16 km from San Miguel, this land has a privileged location that combines the tranquility of the natural surroundings with the convenience of being close to an urban center. In addition, its proximity to the highway to Dolores (2.5 km) and to Atotonilco (1 km) makes it easily accessible from different points in the region.
Development potential: With its vast dimensions and unique characteristics, this land is perfect for the creation of a tourist, residential or recreational development.
Water concessions: With 358,000 cubic meters of water available, this land offers security and ease for any development project you wish to undertake. Access to a reliable water source is critical to any successful development.
This property is much more than just land; it is a blank canvas ready to be transformed into the development of your dreams.  Discover all that this land has to offer and make your most ambitious projects come true in an incomparable environment!

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